CouponRaja – Search Coupons, Apply Coupons, Save Big, Smile Big!
Get accurate information about all the hot and happening deals, discounts, and offers near you, simply by accessing CouponRaja – your very own app for discounts. Sort by category, type of product, and view matches that you want to see. Why spend time surfing through multiple apps and sites, when you can view a single app, to know about the various active coupon codes and offers – That is the power of CouponRaja at your service.
With listings of 500+ merchants spread across India dealing in 100+ categories, you can be sure to utilize CouponRaja as your super saver app for discounts. We have something for you in every single category – be it fashion, shopping, electronic product, home appliances, entertainment, furniture and furnishings, ticket booking, hotel reservation, and much more!
What do you have for me?
Think of any type of product and there are high chances that you will be able to find a coupon code to save big on its purchase via this amazing app for coupons. This app can be used for:
*Coupons to be used while shopping on Flipkart, Jabong, Snapdeal, etc.
*User Reviews & Maps
*Mobile SearchingRecharge Offers
*Booking Flight Tickets, Bus Tickets & Hotel Accommodation At Discounted Prices
*Save Money While Ordering Food Online
*Credit & Debit Card Offers From Banks Like HDFC, SBI, AXIS, Kotak, and ICICI
*Shortlist Coupons For Future Use
*Share Coupons Through Messaging Service Or WhatsApp
See how you can use this app for discounts and avail of cashbacks through major shopping portals like Amazon, Flipkart, Paytmmall and Myntra. Get to make your fine dine experience sweeter with discount coupons for food delivery services like Zomato. Experience haute couture fashion along with exciting deals offers and coupon codes. Pay bills, book tickets, plan holidays, and do much more, but only after you have checked out CouponRaja – your very own app for coupons.
Is there more for me?
Want more from CouponRaja? How about getting extra cashbacks, discounts, and rebates during end of season sales, shopping festivals, and on festive occasions using this app for coupons? Our backend support team makes sure that you are presented with only the best of the best when shopping online for a diverse range of product categories. All our coupon codes are verified, currently active, and seamlessly blend retail therapy with incredible discounts.
We strive to provide our users with a more personalized experience while respecting their privacy. To ensure this, the app seeks the following permissions before allowing you to register yourself on the app.
-Identity: Uses one or more accounts on the device. Option to sign in with your Google account.
-Photos/Media/Files: For temporary storage of data.
-WiFi connection info: For localized customer profiling
-Device ID & Information: Allows the app to determine the phone number
Be prepared to be delighted when shopping online with CouponRaja – the only app you will need for discounts and coupons.